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Edgewood Nursery- Online Shop
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Sea Kale (Crambe maritima) Root Cuttings or Plant

from $5.00

Small Roots are match stick to pencil diameter and 1”-3” long. Care for plants like you would seedlings.

Medium roots are pencil diameter and above and 2”-4” long. They can be planted directly with a normal amount of care.

Plant is a small 1 year old plant grown from a root cutting, they are very small this year, but priced lower than usual.

This perennial vegetable is usually my first recommendation to people interested in getting started with perennial edibles. It has many harvest windows through the season, from shoots, to leaves, to flower buds to immature seed pods, all tasty. A single plant in full sun can grow to 3’ and provide large crops of collard green like leaves. Often grown as a ornamental for its striking foliage and prolific, honey-scented flowers. Hardy to zone 5.

For root cuttings: Store cool and damp until planting, plant ASAP. Plant vertically in soil with angled cut facing down and top of the root barely exposed. Keep soil damp but not soggy and place in full sun. Expect leaves to begin to appear in 2-5 weeks, depending on temp. Protect from frost.

Root or Plant:
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